
Standard Diploma – A student must earn at least 22 standard units of credit by passing required courses and electives, and earn at least six verified credits by passing end-of-course SOL tests or other assessments approved by the Board of Education.

The Virginia Department of Education also states, “Beginning with students entering ninth grade for the first time in 2013-2014, a student must also earn a board-approved career and technical education credential to graduate with a Standard Diploma and successfully complete one virtual course, which may be non-credit bearing.”

Advanced Studies Diploma – A student must earn at least 24 or 26 standard units of credit, depending on when he or she entered ninth grade, and at least nine verified units of credit.

Students who entered ninth grade for the first time during and after 2011-2012 must earn at least 26 units.

Students who entered ninth grade before 2011-2012 must earn at least 24 units.

Starting with students entering ninth grade for the first time in 2013-2014, one virtual course must be successfully completed as well. This course may be non-credit bearing.

Modified Standard Diploma – This diploma is for certain students at the secondary level who have a disability and are unlikely to meet the credit requirements for a Standard Diploma. Eligibility and participation are determined by the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) team and the student, when appropriate. Written consent from parent/guardian is required.

This will no longer be an option for be an option for students with disabilities who enter the ninth grade for the first time beginning in 2013-2014. Now, with credit accommodations, students with disabilities can earn a Standard Diploma.

Applied Studies Diploma (formerly Special Diploma) – This diploma is available to students with disabilities who complete the requirements of their IEP and who do not meet the requirements for other diplomas.

There are several other options for students with disabilities who cannot earn a diploma. These can be found on the VDOE website.

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