
“Jim” lived in subsidized housing. His apartment’s stove needed repair. He also reported missing light bulbs, low water level in his toilet, and a broken doorknob lock. But his landlord did not address any of these problems … until Jim contacted Virginia Legal Aid Society.

 Jim’s VLAS attorney wrote to the landlord, explaining that Virginia law required landlords to promptly repair health and safety issues, such as the problems Jim reported. Faced with a letter from an attorney, the landlord promptly repaired all the problems.

Jim’s VLAS attorney didn’t stop there. He arranged for the local housing authority to inspect the apartment. The authority found additional problems, which the landlord also fixed promptly. Jim’s home is now much safer.

Every day, Virginia Legal Aid Society attorneys and paralegals stand up for people like Jim whose voices aren’t heard.

Names have been changed to protect the privacy of clients