Volunteer to be a Pro Bono Attorney

Virginia Legal Aid Society (VLAS) is a nonprofit law firm established in 1977 to provide free civil services to eligible low-income residents. VLAS’ mission is to resolve the serious legal problems of low-income people, promote economic and family stability, reduce poverty through effective legal assistance, and to champion equal justice.

Please contact Anna Reid with questions and to become a pro bono attorney: annar@vlas.org


5052 people received assistance in keeping their housing

2,956 people educated to avoid future eviction

74 expunged eviction records for brighter opportunities

2,579 people protected from domestic violence

There is 1 Legal Aid Lawyer per 7,237 low-income persons in Virginia compared to 1 non-legal aid lawyer per 349 people in Virginia

  • For your help! When you sign up you let us know the types and number of cases you are willing to take, in addition to telling us what cities and counties you are willing to take them in! You can amend these choices at any time. We greatly appreciate any and all help to provide your high quality legal services to those who could not otherwise afford them.

  • The most common types of cases taken by pro bono attorneys are: uncontested divorces, advanced medical directives, powers of attorneys, simple wills, guardianship cases, and GAL work with incarcerated defendants or incapacitated persons in guardianship proceedings. However, we welcome help in all areas!

  • Most cases can take between 2 to 10 hours. However, more frequently cases take between 2-5 hours.

  • If you are requested to accept a case, you may decline during a busy time and request that we call you back with another case at a later time.

  • Although rare, VLAS will take back any pro bono case that exceeds ten hours.

  • When doing pro bono work for Virginia Legal Aid Society (VLAS), you are covered under our malpractice insurance.

  • VLAS can help provide training, forms, substantive materials, mentorship, and even co-counseling if you request it. There are also free on-demand CLEs available to pro bono attorneys through VA CLE at http://www.vacle.org/probono

  • No, Virginia Rule 6.1, Comment 6 – only services for which “no fee” arrangement is established in advance counts as pro bono. You must go into the arrangement with no expectation of a fee.