
During the pandemic, with job prospects limited, “Kim” briefly returned to school full-time. Unfortunately, Kim lived in subsidized housing and Virginia law does not allow residents of subsidized housing to be full-time students. The law was originally designed to prevent developers from receiving subsidized housing tax breaks for building college dorms. Kim had inadvertently fallen victim to a technicality. When her housing complex started eviction procedures, she turned to Virginia Legal Aid Society for help.

Kim’s VLAS attorney first contacted the complex’s property manager, who was sympathetic but felt he had no choice under the law. Kim’s VLAS attorney contacted the state and presented an argument for why this law didn’t apply in Kim’s case. The state agreed and the property complex promptly had its eviction petition dismissed. At this time, Kim remains in her home and no longer has to worry about being evicted. 

Thanks to VLAS, Kim enjoys not only her improved career prospects but also secure and affordable housing. VLAS fights every day for people like Kim who are facing unjust evictions.

Names have been changed to protect the privacy of clients