Health and Healthcare

VLAS Publications

Health and Healthcare

VLAS Publications

» Advance Medical Directives 

How to have some control over decisions for your health care when you are unable to communicate your wishes.  Through the use of Living Wills, Health Care Declarations, and Medical Power of Attorney.

» Adult Long-Term Care

How do you apply for and pay for long-term care? What kinds of services might be covered? We answer these and many other questions you may have.

» Medicaid

What is Medicaid? What does it cover? Who is eligible to receive it? Get answers to these and other questions.

» Medicaid Spend-Down

You may be eligible for Medicaid even if you are over the income limits, if you have medical expenses and debts.

» Medicaid Dental Benefits

All Adults over age 21 who have health insurance through Medicaid are eligible to see a dentist.

» Medicare

This explains Medicare, the federal health insurance program for the elderly and others, the different parts of Medicare, and the difference between Medicaid and Medicare.

» Medicaid Benefits for Pregnant Women

This presentation can help you calculate your Medicaid spend-down

» Medicare and You

What’s new, and how to get the most of out of Medicare. 

Resources for the Uninsured

Health Resources-Danville Area Brochure240.9 KiB873
Health Resources-Farmville Area Brochure195.9 KiB786
Health Resources-Lynchburg Area Brochure149.5 KiB861
Health Resources-Suffolk Area Brochure224.7 KiB658

Helpful Resources

» Legal and Law Enforcement General Information

Law Enforcement and Court Information Only- No Legal Aid information